

2013年7月30日 星期二




L,長得漂亮,如果不注意看的話,以她高挑的身材及ㄋㄞ功,和林志玲相似度極高。我為何說不注意看呢,我看年紀非常準,從肌膚的紋理、色澤,看得出來她應該36.7。她有兩個小孩,離過一次婚,外文能力佳。我老公同辦公室有兩位同事都I和M都和他有性關係,那兩位同事都是已婚。我不理解,和已婚的人保持固定的性關係是想要做什麼? 恩,也就是炮友,雖然我覺得炮有這個名詞把性講的好低俗,但也許對有些人來說,就真的只是肉慾上的發洩吧...有那麼缺嗎? 可能我還是蠻有傳統思想的,總覺得女人當了母親,凡事總是要收斂些,但是這位奇女子竟然還可以經常去泡夜店、鬼混。(實在羨慕她有媽媽可以幫忙帶小孩.....) 連我帶來的好朋友J,也在一次聚會之中成為她的石榴裙下的會員,妙的是M和J兩人還同時成了好朋友,可能兩個人都是外國人,知道這層表兄弟關係心照不宣之下倒也不介意。另外我也不明白,男人啊,真的很奇怪,是我愛玩的話,喂,我步入婚姻前可是有名的惡名昭彰,曾經一次有兩個男朋友,也曾不小心介入別人的婚姻,連我這種已經算是敢愛敢恨敢玩的人,都覺得不能接受把同一個圈子的男人睡過一遍,所以就算我是男人就算要找人睡,也沒辦法跟有名的公車睡,腦中會忍不住想到其他人在她身上馳騁沙場的場景...完全不能接受阿! 所以這女人到底在想什麼??

另外總是和前男友糾纏不清的A,前陣子前男友又來找她,她信誓旦旦跟我保證不會睡在一起,後來果真又是把持不住。我早就料到,因為一個男人久不聯絡,對你忽然沒事獻殷勤,絕對絕對就是有鬼,不是要借錢就是想上床。她一跟我宣告,我自是滿臉嫌惡(腦裡想到慾望城市裡夏綠蒂對莎曼沙說:你的陰道是紐約的觀光景點嗎!) ,她默默地聳聳肩:"我單身那麼久了,我也有需要阿!" 這沒有問題,但是今天你口口聲聲說你要的是可以結婚的對象,你找來個炮友,可以結婚嗎~? 這就大有問題了!

女人有需要我會不明白嗎? 姊姊我也30了,步入婚姻之前也是認為自己是金盆洗手,玩夠了。需要這種東西很詭異,因為大家所認為的需要有程度上的不同。坦白來說我覺得用性玩具絕對比跟超級爛的男人上床來的簡單方便、乾淨利落。

我一直藏在心裡不能說的秘密是:性從來都不該是免費的。縱使表面上身為一個女權主義者,當然,要怎樣去玩,越誇張越隨便越好,為了女權主義! 但我從來就不是那種人放得開的豪放女。朋友都說我認識的男人怎麼可以疼我照顧我到完全離譜的程度,我認為性本身是一種獨佔行為,如果一個女人自己先破壞了獨佔市場,既然人人可以得到你的身體,那還會有人珍惜你嗎? 女人應該愛惜羽毛,給值得的人,如果沒有那個人,也真的寧缺勿濫,不然可是會亂了行情。當你總是讓男人滿足,為了獨佔你,他自然就願意承諾、願意付出(關起房門來我是會使出渾身解數來滿足男人的女人!)。性絕對是控制人本能最重要的一環,一切都是基於性的滿足。要男人負責就是,讓他非常清楚,跟你就是沒有玩免費的這種事情。態度要相當明確。分了就分了,沒瓜葛不互相約束的炮友也不行,這是對自己基本的尊重。

相信我,我曾經也差點落入變成炮友的陷阱,劈腿的男人,被揭發後要我轉為地下夫人,嘴上說想跟我在一起,只是需要時間處理。我他媽的給他一個禮拜,見他也沒特殊表示,覺得他應該打算打持久戰,我馬上搬家,真的是馬上! 如果不斷個乾淨,只會徒增痛苦,讓好姻緣也不敢靠近。30歲以後,這點道理還不懂就遜了。


後記: 當然也有些男人是特例,會對人盡可夫的女人動真感情,像是戲劇裡愛上蕩婦卡門的軍官,我就有認識那種人!那種男人往往是無可救藥的浪漫主義者,金錢方面前左手進右手出,完全不是可以託付終身的類型,個性也很邊緣、不成熟,工作一個換一個,內心永遠長不大,其實只覺得有奶可吸最重要,可以為肉體關係付出一切。我覺得那樣的男人啊...八成是口腔期沒滿足,要的是一種象徵性的"母體"罷了...。真的覺得就算吸引這種男人也無所謂,也只能說每個人人生所追求的不同,邊緣化的另類生活,有些脫離本部落格討論的範圍了

2013年7月11日 星期四

[新聞] 加拿大淫豬禁錮女老師一年

欺人太甚!高雄市一名美豔熟女,去年上網認識加拿大籍男子艾德華,2人旋即墜入愛河,未料同居後,艾德華露出本性,動輒對她拳打腳踢,還拿偷拍的性愛光碟嗆聲「So Cheap(低賤)」,威脅熟女當他的性奴隸,時間長達一年,直到10日晚間,艾德華因他案被逮捕,熟女才重獲自由,結束這場恐怖的異國戀情。
高雄警方表示,25歲加拿大籍男子艾德華(Edward Sant),涉嫌傷害等罪,去年遭判刑確定,但他棄保潛逃,被通緝期間四處在台流浪,最後落腳於高雄鼓山區的知名私立幼稚園「麥米倫」工作。承辦員警不解的是,艾德華持旅行簽證來台,護照早在去年5月就過期,「業者怎隨便就僱用一個通緝犯?

2013年7月3日 星期三

[轉錄] 「令人噁心但肉體很迷人」 外國人眼中的台灣女人

本篇據傳原文是台灣英文老師所寫的,PTT鄉民協助翻譯。我老公看完以後跟我說他的三個感想:1.這英文不太通順,真的是外國人寫的嗎? 2.這情況其實可以套用在各個大城市,大城市這種拜金女總是很多,不是台灣而已。3.他覺得這位老兄可能也不是那麼酷,所以這些女生也不想屈意奉承他,對他搞不好也只是想用用就丟,所以彼此彼此。(不得不誇讚我老公真理性阿)

我的意見: 其實能夠辯才無礙,有想法的女生,在台灣男生眼裡就是不合格,台灣男生也對自己沒信心,所以女生太有意見,他們會覺得自己常常被反駁,有損男性自尊,當然,工作能力太強,賺的比男生多也不太合格,所以怎麼能怪亞洲女生好像都不付錢? (我自己是不會讓男生付啦,但說真的我不會覺得那種女生特別怎樣。會計較的男生的確令人感覺小氣) 溫柔順從絕對是台灣男生擇偶的要件。所以老外覺得台灣女生講話就是沒深度,虛榮、太注重他人的看法,對自己沒信心,做作矯情,其實是這是典型台灣男生喜歡的類型阿!

台灣的分工是只要一結婚,男人在外面花天酒地沒關係,只要錢給得夠就好了,所以女人負責照顧家,因此錢相對來說就更重要了,因為你去外面花最後還給不出家用不是更糟糕嗎! (外國人的婚姻真的比較平等互惠) 這種女生在台灣才是最有市場、最受歡迎的,所以只要不是這類型,就只能跟我一樣公主和親啦! 最後,那個ABC寫得多機車阿! 典型的亞洲男人會有的想法,內心充滿了不尊重女性的黑暗面,這種Banana絕對絕對是市場裡最糟糕的,他們往往會說:我從來都不Dating亞洲人(然後把亞洲女生罵得半死) ,他們覺得自己能跟白種人在一起很優越,靠,這不是顯出他內心的自卑嗎?


Let's be fair here. I have a gorgeous, adorable Taiwanese girlfriend that I am willing to spend the rest of my life with. Not because she is Hello Kitty, submissive, shallow, brain dead and a good fuck. Because she calls herself a freak (a surprisingly foxy one) , standing out from that essentially numbed crowd that I call most of Taiwan (excluding the "hen qi guay" lot), in ways that make most other girls look like total idiots.

就這方面而言,我想講幾句實在話:我有一個台灣女朋友,看起來漂亮又大氣。我很願意跟她共度下半輩子。我之所以如此,不是因為她對丈夫言聽計從,不是因為她腦袋死板,不是因為她只是個空花瓶(譯註:原文為Hello Kitty,猜測有「空花瓶」之意),而是她有別於大部份的台灣女性(撇開那些「很奇怪」的人),敏感又大膽(我的美艷狐狸精!),不像那些女生一樣低能。

My hat goes to her even more knowing that she only lived 3 months in the US, while being naturally open minded and full of dynamic debates about all kinds of issues. Yes, she has all those traits that many guyswould want.


There are indeed some very interesting and charming ladies out here, but to the best of my knowledge, they are depressingly rare. Why? Because aside from being good at shallow chat followed by a deep fuck, one, two, here, there and everywhere, most girls here just about do a good job of sucking in all manner possible. Sex aside, let's not even get into how much worse it gets for 95% of TW born and raised guys when it comes to friendship with foreigners.


Yes the long eyelashed and legs empty egg-shells are gold diggers, oozing superficial arrogance that would turn a sensible man like myself into a sexual vice animal against it.

台灣女生睫毛長、腿長、腦袋空(譯註:我不懂empty egg-shells何意,我也懶得查,我隨便翻,你們隨便看。)、貪財、膚淺又驕矜自恃。我本明理,一遇到這群女生,卻成了任由性慾擺佈的野獸。

Even many of those who can speak decent English will rarely go beyond conversations about shopping, food, travel (if they dare to pretend knowing anything worthwhile about the real world beyond American and Japanese shopping malls) and maybe, just maybe, fun sex.

台灣女生有不少人會說英文;然而,她們聊天的主題總是圍繞在「購物」、「食物」、「旅遊」,很少有例外。(就算她們裝得「知性美」,想把話題扯到更現實的東西,除了美國商場和日本血拼商店外, 他們也想不出什麼,哦,或許在聊性事方面會有趣一點啦。)

Take things further into the arts, music, DECENT movies beyond Hollywood,politics, science and philosophy, I would say that 90% of people in Taiwan are "educated" to work, not to please the depths of themselves and others in particularly subtle ways.


The worst thing about all this is that the truly fascinating side of Chinese culture is either a political conundrum for not knowing which side to choose, or is slowly sinking face first into oblivion. There is room for tremendous melting pot in Taiwan, but not much is being done about it.


This is not a blind assault at intercultural differences, but a good stab at old social etiquettes that were ditched in the 60 and 70's in the West.


The family, school, work ethics to my opinion kills people's potential.Taiwan has grown economically, but it will reach full maturity only aftera hard look at itself in relation to the rest of the world, while learning to accept and integrate true differences, like other Asian places such as Singapore have learned to do, to make for a much nicer place to live and fit in with open minded people.


In the meantime, it comes across as easy for Taiwanese people to be pleasant and smiling on the surface, but I do believe that their most visceral personal and social identity dangerously lacks confidence and awareness with others at best, or is totally uninterested and racist deep within, ever so silently.


As an Adult Business Teacher, i listen to a lot of answers to topic questions in my class. when the topic gets around to love and relationships you always hear TW Girls saying the same exact shit.


" i want a guy who is tall, understands me, is responsible, etc"


The problem with this is they never really define what responsible is.From my experience, what they mean by responsible is "safe". They want some castrated man with spiked hair who never takes chances, never moves in a direction that might make them feel unsafe, never walks the path less chosen. They want a guy who is just bent to their wishes for "their dreams" ie, the house, the car, the baby, the whole nine yards.


Nothing is wrong with those things, except that they have become the "Price For Admission" so to speak, rather than the result of two people's love and efforts for one another. They constantly take shortcuts.


These Women always talk about how they want someone who understands them. By this, i take it to mean they want an extension of their spoiling family or old boyfriends (Plan B... but still wait around) who will put up with their temper tantrums, immaturity, and stupidity.These women are basically in the market for either daddy or their older brother, someone who is used to their bullshit.


Expecting someone to understand you is the height of immaturity.We should seek more to understand others than to be understood.The world owes us nothing, but we live in it, and should learn to adapt to it, not the other way around.


i find TW women to be utterly selfish, insecure, and self centered.As I have seen with many couples and unfortunate friends,when they age it's even more nonstop bitching and moaning. Thefocus just becomes on more money, more eating, more competition to show off to family and friends. You can forget about an exciting sex life. Lately i look at them with a mild disgust, despite some of their physical beauty.


No pussy is worth being constantly drained by these emotional vampires. Funny, with the many new girls I meet here, I aways say to myself"this one is different". LOL! Nope, same shit with a different package.Same movie played over and over.


Oh Well, at least have a little fun, play their game, complement them on how brilliant it is to wear glasses without lenses, expect to pay for lots of dinners out. And most important....Yes, indeed,know when to say next. Their stock will drop in value quick and is a short sale. HK Girls are a way better catch.



I'm ABC and came back to Taiwan (I've had my share of girlfriends in USA). In 5 years staying here (and dating several TWN girls from 25-36yos, here is my take: Taiwanese women are narcissists, especially if she is even slightly attractive. Most of them live off their parents. If they are well-off, forget about scoring with them unless you are more well-off than them, their parents will find every reason in the world NOT to be with you.

我是一個回到台灣居住的美國華僑(譯註:America-born Chinese),在美國曾與幾個女孩子交往過。在台灣待了五年,跟許多台灣女孩子約會過(她們介於25歲到36歲之間)。我的想法是這樣的:台灣女人是自戀狂(譯註:Narcissist,取自於希臘羅馬神話水仙花的故事。),尤其是那些稍為有姿色的,更是不可一世。這些女孩子(作者曾約會過的),衣食皆仰賴父母。你如果沒有比她們有錢,千萬別評論這種生活型態,還有,正因為她們比你有錢,她們的父母特別挑剔,寧可找上千百個理由,也不願和你交往。

$$$$ is king, you can be fat, butt-ugly but if you are rich or appear rich, they will find every reason in the world to like you. And if you are not, you can become 'friends' with them, you simply become her platonic biitch, she only calls when she needs you and will never ever admit she is just using you for material things but will always give you you subtle hints of the Coach, LV, or expensive electronic gadget that she really really wants for her B-day.


Worse, forgetting to bring her purse when inviting her & her friends to meet you. And if she brings it, puts the onus on you to pay for it by sitting there silently, not moving, as if waiting for the 'traditional-male' to pick up the tab.


And if she is poor, she is even more materialistic. I remember our company hired a TWN girl (27) never held a steady job, complain to us how little she makes and how her mom has no job and how she has to support her mom... then I found out her 1st paycheck, she went out and bought a IPhone4.. Saying how it was always her dream. All I can say was "wow" thinking how full of shhit she was.


And I'm talking about girls that aren't even that attractive. Maybe a 7/8 out of 10. Yes I'm being shallow by putting them on a scale like that, but if I'm one feet deep, these girls' can be measured in micrometers.


The younger ones that are even semi-attractive, are even more materialistic and pretentious. Most pretend they are not materialistic. And the few that are not after $$$, are after Beiber looks no matter how gay-looking or
irresponsible these guys are.


Most don't have a job and those that do, spend as much money on their looks as the girls. There are no Rambos, athletic real man here (ok maybe 5% of population, sorry to these real guys).


The guys these girls hang out with are perfect mirror of themselves,devoid of any personality and has the sophistication of a Lego block. Most of the skinny, wannabes gay looking guys (they actually think they are model-quality!!) hang around disco clubs, malls like spoiled rich American teenagers and spend all their money on the latest fashion craze.


The guys are so skinny and feeble (I'm sure they can double their size if they went to gym and worked out) that if a typhoon come suddenly, they all be blow to the ocean. The only thing that makes their wheel turn are MSN, SKYPE, Facebook, self-portraits of themselves plastered all over each other's home pages.


God, they make Bieber look macho. No, I'm not the jealous type,I'm just telling it as it is. I've also been to China/Vietnam/Thailand and there is a world of difference in the girls' attitudes when I meet them.


I remember meeting girls that are 9 on a scale of 10, with no attitudes,no BS, no mark-ups that will put the TWN girls to shame.


True enough. Taiwanese women are the most selfish creatures I ever encounted. I used to live in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore and in all these countries. I met gorgeous and sincere ladies with well manners and
good heart. Since I took this job in Taiwan my sexual, emotional and dating life is totally fucked up...


And yes, never, ever EVER marry taiwanese bitch unless she makes you rich... You have to target women with money. Either self-employed or well paid professional with a thick saving accounts. BUT BE AWARE; Even if you
hold Phd from Gigolo University it will be pretty tough to squeeze any money out of her. Yet if you are that good or that lucky to put such spell on her then try your best to squeeze her dry. Once you take her money then you are the boss. You can enslave her and no matter what you do or how you treat her she will be submissive little bich that licks your toes hoping for the rest of her pathetic life that one day when you are off guard or off of your mind she might somehow get her ''investment'' back.


Piece of life saving advice;


If you are that good or that lucky, take her money, make her empty her accounts or sell the house or put her in debt if need. Don't feel any remorse and DO NOT HESITATE just take it all if you can. During the entire process make sure your passport is in the safe place.


Enjoy island for a while and fuck around. (especially those teenage little bitches, gold diggers. You have to tear them apart and destroy their little cunts the way that they won't be good for any cock anymore. You also have to fuck them in the ass until they have to wear dipers for the rest of their hello kitty miserable animal lives).


After you satisfy your rage and acomplish your revenge transfer all money to your country or switch it to good traveler's cheques and get the air ticet. Tell your squeezed bitch your father just passed away so you have to go without any delay. Or if you want to play with her a bit more just talk her into threesome and expose her to the brutal and painful double penetration together with some ruthless dude. You can even try asking her for more money or turn her into hooker. You can be her pimp for a while and see how it goes. But once you see black and thick question mark above her dumb empty head just get ready and get a hella out of here!!!



TW girls... as far as I know, they wish they were japanese. When they speak, to differentiate their MANDARIN from what their Chinese cousins over in the mainland, they always speak in a really fake ass Japanese wannabe tone. It's so fucking lame. I know I know, there's a bit of history of Japanese occupation of TW, but you don't see Koreans, as cocky as they can be sometimes, completely idolizing another nationality to a point of basically copying them. It's funny how TW wants to be recognized as its own state, with its own nationality, but in the end, all their pride is nothing more than a facade, an image. And if the Japs have an attractive image, they'd rather become semi-Japanese. That's fucking lame dude. That's not pride, that's just ignorance and a lack of self-worth.


Then you get the whores, those rich ass international American born Taiwanese bitches. I've met one. She was ugly as fuck, FLAT face with wide nostrils and ugly ass fish lips. Her face looked like a puck or a pancake.But I'm not a superficial guy. I really wouldn't give a shit other than the fact that she has zero personality. She's always been a stuck up bitch, and if it wasn't for the fact that she was always ugly, she'd be on every daddies' dick.


When she was done with her highschool and university education in Toronto, she went somewhere in Asia, and got her rich ass family's funds to get a full face plastic surgery. Now she flaunts her pretty little flawless plastic face everywhere. She doesn't really work, her family pays for everything. She's just gonna marry some rich guy and suck off boyfriends on the side. That to me, pretty much sums up TW bitches. Born ugly, if you are from a rich background, then go get plastic surgery as a "reward" for getting through school studying god-knows-what, then going back to the states or canada or where-ever else and party until you suck off the right guy who will supply you with gucci and LV purses for the rest of your life.


Fuck, an ugly bitch turning into a swan through the operating table,and some turn of event somehow gives a TW hoe the right to be a bitch. What a joke. She used to be the most insecure person in the world even as a kid and in her teens and now all it took was some surgery... see how SHALLOW these TW chicks are.


Funny thing is, a lot of them are really stupid. Not just self-centered.This plastic TW bitch graduated from Uni. Toronto with something, not sure what exactly her degree was in (probably sucking cock for more surgeries).. ad now she works at retail at a SHOESTORE.


Tawianese chicks are a joke. It's fucked up. I'm sure there are girls from all over like them but man, Taiwanese chicks can be pretty awful. None of them can support themselves or have any rational thoughts or goals, or the
desire to become a complete PERSON rather than a fashion accessory.


來源:PTT 西斯版   作者  Nilo (辰)

2013年7月2日 星期二

人間異語:台灣男人 對性太假仙了

A︰我蠻晚熟的,到大學才交男友。第一段是跟丹麥人交往,我們在英文補習班認識,他190公分,頗帥,來台灣短暫工作,說第一眼看到我,就很喜歡我。他主動追求,我們交往4個多月。那是我第一次和外國人發生關係,他給我很多驚喜,因他體格很好,可以嘗試很多,我從沒想過會有那麼多姿勢。只是他size太長,跟我身體不符合,我並沒有很舒服,比較多是感受被善待的過程。他離開台灣前,曾希望可以跟我繼續聯絡,我很想,但還是say no,因距離太遠,我沒辦法等。


我工作後,換和台灣男生交往,只是他有很多壞習慣,會逼我口交,做些非常不禮貌的動作,我討厭這種男生。 我那些外國男友對身體的接受度廣,對性比台灣男生開放、自在很多。台灣男生面對身體和性,就跟面對自己的生活一樣假裝,不夠坦然。我那任美國男友認為做愛就做愛,何必要講一堆理由。他是性愛分離,會把浪漫放進做愛過程,重視彼此的愉悅。

台灣男生的性知識短少,常會事前很多鋪陳,過程卻很草率。我甚至感覺他們只想發洩。而我的外國男友自主性高,他們做愛前,會讓我知道他對我感興趣。假使我不想,我可以直接say no,表達我的感受。但台灣男生是跟你聊一聊工作,突然一拐彎,車就開進摩鐵。我若拒絕,他們會更盧,不懂得尊重。台灣男生表達能力有點便祕,造成溝通上的誤差,讓我搞不懂台灣男生到底想幹嘛?


